The back wall of Molokini Crater is a spectacular dive, as the sheer wall of the crater drops from 200 feet above the surface to over 300 feet below!
This dive is reserved for advanced or experienced scuba divers as expert buoyancy control is a must!
We offer this dive on our Expedition Dive Trips on Tuesdays and Fridays—but we may do it other days as well, so be sure to ask.

Because the dive is bordered by open ocean, we never know what might swim by: dolphins, mantas, whales, and sharks have all made an appearance there!
The typical sea life on the back wall is not as prevalent as it is at Reef’s End or Mid-Reef, but the sheer wall, deep water and sun rays all interact to make a beautiful sight. Sometimes we begin a back wall dive at Enenu’i and drift around to the back wall.
The back wall is dived as a drift dive, or live boat dive, so you want to be sure you can descend and ascend without a line, maintain a 15 foot safety stop (without a line to hold on to) and have excellent buoyancy control so you don’t exceed the profile depths.
Back Wall dives (as all dive sites) are weather and skill level dependent. We will screen you at the time of reservation for your experience level.
This dive profile is generally run to 80-85 feet.
All dive sites are weather conditions permitting.

Unlike Reef’s End and Mid-Reef inside the crater, Molokini’s Back Wall is bordered by open ocean. Excursions to this area provide opportunities to snorkel with dolphin pods, manta rays, whales, and sharks, depending on who’s swimming nearby. Since we’re exposed to larger creatures, our captains and instructors maintain a close eye on behaviors and interactions to ensure everyone’s safety. The availability of this tour destination is highly dependent on the weather conditions; please visit our FAQ page for more information regarding our cancellation policy and any other questions you might have.
Although the typical sea life isn’t as prevalent due to the lack of coral on the backside, the sunlight bouncing off the sheer walls and deep waters creates a beautiful sight – making this one of the top 10 best snorkeling spots in the world! Here at Makena Coast Charters, we sometimes begin at Enenu’i and drift around to the back for our guests to experience the beauty of both the reef and deep sea. Whether you’re with loved ones or joining our group solo, there’s memories to be made and fun to be had! Join us today for your next snorkeling adventure to Molokini!